Museum field trip
Me and my class went to the city center museum it had nice smells and a big looking like church but its not a church it is the museum! And inside there were so many nice things. Somethings are not real some things are so realistic and there was a lot of sparkle sparkle and a skeleton of a Mao and other cool stuff.
And my tour has began. My hub has been split into our own classes and we went to different areas and its all about the Maori. I learnt how to make there tools and seen how they have evolve and getting smarter after 300 years. There is so much about them. Then we went to a room and there were some tools and we get to use them. There is drawing,fire lighting,and a drill made from Maori but it doesn't have power its is hand power,sharpening stones, carving with wood and last of all the most dangerous one is making a whaka it is a dangerous one you have an axe and its top is stronger then steel it can chop wood you have to be careful it could hit your legs.

After that we went to the garden it was nice and we eat some lunch after that we went in to the big tree it was great fun! but I felled a couple times and I have scratches until now! It was a pain. We went back in our groups from first we saw a lot of amazing stuff like bones of dinosaurs and snow stuff it was so great not as great as the creepy lady in the lonely ally I freaked out! so hard in side me not out side and what is even freaky is the voice.
There is a section that has all the birds in NZ big birds small birds and the best bird I like is the kiwi and my favorite predator bird is the NZ falcon it is a predator there was so much to see. The birds section doesn't just show the birds it shows the habitats of the birds the. NZ falcons live in high mountains and the kiwis live in the forest deep down inside.
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