
Thursday, May 28, 2020

To make good blogs

To make good blogs
Hello I'm gonna talk about to make good blogs and comments lets talk about comments. To write kind comments you have to be helpful,kind and thoughtful when you write a comment and also re-read so it  can make scene. Here is some information to make a good blog.

Math video about ordering unit fraction

This week for maths my goal was to order unit fractions. We had to make screencastify or poster about ordering unit fractions.  Here is my video I hope you enjoy.  How would you order fractions?

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Future me

For writing, we had to write a letter to our future self about our time in lockdown.
Please see my letter below.

Dear Sid Paduga

Comusta Sid Paduga,
do you remember 2020 April? It was crazy but we got through it. It kind of changed me but are you well? ,is your favourite animal still a cat? But back then it was hard. Covide-19 is so dangerous to a lot of people it spreads to the country affecting people's lives and not a lot of people survive. School must be different but you must remember after the lockdown school was back but there are new safety rules because Covide-19 is still around. It was fine because I have no caution of the virus but may I ask if I know Covide-19 do you still remember what it is? Well Covide-19 is a virus that kills people faster than any kind of sickness. 

I hope the future will be better.

Your sincerely 
Sid in the past

If you write a letter to your future self what will you say?

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Timeline of Mary

Gabriel go to Mary 
An angel called Gabriel went to Mary to tell her she has a baby and he will be the son of God and he will be named Jesus.

Mary visited Elizabeth 
Mary went to Elizabeth Elizabeth is old but she has a baby called John and they had a long talk.

Jesus is born
Jesus was born in a stable because there was know where to stay.

Jesus at the temple
When Jesus was twelve they went to the festival in Jerusalem like any other year after the festival they noticed that Jesus was not with them they looked around Jerusalem and asked people after three days they found him at the temple of God people were asking Jesus about the gospel and they went home to Nazareth.

Marriage at Cana
Jesus did his first miracle there turning water into wine.

Jesus on the cross
Jesus knew it is down so he starved and he is hanged on the cross.

it is when the holy spirit came.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Philippines land

Philippines land
The Philippines is a country full of tropical islands and each island is special to Philippines. In the Philippines there are 7,107 islands in Philippines and the 3 biggest island are Luzon,Mindanao and Samar

The Philippines has a purpose and why there are so many wars. I Philippines a lot of countries try to take gold and food. The food is delicious but other countries tried to take over the Philippines for there land and supplies.

The Philippines have things that make them unique. There is a vehicle called jeepney it was modified from world war two jeeps and now they are a bus. The Philippines have 180 different languages and most of them speak Tagalog. The Philippines flag is so important the different colours have different meaning the white colour means hope for equality and the blue colour means peace, truth, and justice and finally the red it means  patriotism and valour but when the blue on the flag is on top the country is at peace but if the red is on top it means the the country is at war.