I was so exited to do top team because there was a lot of fun activities and some evolved water and some didn't but I didn't care. I love water but not cold water. It's because I am used to the heat and I am not used to the cold. I like the sling shot and it is my favourite out of them all but there are other games that enjoyed too. I have one activity that I don't like and that was the pipe. One half of your team has to get water and the other half is where you block the holes and I had to block the holes. I was already wet from the first one.
The next one was another water activity and on my go, I did it a big splash. It is where you take a bucket of water and pass the bucket of water to the person behind you and then they have to do it. You have to go to the back of the line until you are next to your big bucket and fill it in with water but if you don't have water in your bucket anymore that means you have to go back o the big filled buckets. There was 12 activities and I enjoyed all of them. The other activity's were the building blocks, maze, one that you have to throw a hula hoop in to the pins,rolling,sling shot,roll the ball,and the last one is a another maze thing and it is the ball doing the maze. I enjoyed them all but I want to do it again.
Kia ora, I am a student at St Francis of Assisi School, Welcome - Haere Mai. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note my work may include spelling or other errors because some of it will be my first drafts. I would like to get your feedback - comments, thoughts, questions and ideas to help me Learn Create Share.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Ferrymead park
I woke up in the morning and I remember that my class is going on a field trip I never ever miss a field trip. I was ready to go and when we went to school I thought I was early but they did the roll I was just in time after the roll. We went on the bendy bus and talk I don't know where or what is Ferrymead park I was interested but it turn out to be a old town. there were so much old things a man was there waiting for us. he is in old fashion clothes and he is very tall. He told us the rules then we went in the old town it was very old then we went in to the hall and get dressed as old kids it was the worst clothes ever my boxers known as pants. My boxers are falling down and the caps are itchy. I had the worst clothes. Then we went in to the second hall there was an old lady dressed old fashion then they play a little game called what is in the bag. You have to choose a bag then there are some questions you have to answer them if you get it right you win a prize. After that half of the hub went to the first hall and another half stayed in the second hall but in the first hall there is food and I'm lucky I was in the half that go to the first hall and food was tasty and after eating we can go out and play there was wooden toys. There are toy horses, sticks and the best one is the wooden go karts we went on a little tour around the town we went to school to jail to the theatre and the best part is we went on a tram we get to go on the tram first and it was a nice ride but were post to not touch anything. we went back and change our clothes at last I am tired of my boxer shorts it is really getting in my nerves i change back into my school uniform and I felt good to be in my uniform and then we went back to school but we did not went on the bendy bus there was two buses. one has our name and the other doesn't that sound different but we were at school and that is the end till night.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Letter writing
Over the past few weeks, we have been learning to write both formal and informal letters. Here is an example of a letter I wrote about a political event in New Zealand's past.
Friday, October 18, 2019
The first settlers in NZ
It is widely believed that the first people who came to New Zealand are from Polynesia, yes you heard me they came from Polynesia. They came here in a waka and arrived here in New Zealand 700 years ago. They made up their own name and there own language. They lived together in harmony and peace. They hunted down moas and ate some fruit. They got smarter every 100 years. I was thinking how hard it will be travelling in a waka. It is not easy and they could get sea sick and they will be vomiting every day. You will have less supplies but your at sea and there is fish but there could be a shark and they might tip the waka over. It will not be easy.
have you ever been to sea?
have you ever been to sea?
Thursday, September 26, 2019
for PBL all of the Tumu hub has to create something new and to fix problems. We have been creating stuff for weeks now and it was all just a warm up a long long warm up but we are ready. My group has been planning for 2 weeks now but we got the materials but now we change because the teacher'' why do you need a parachute'' and that is why we change it but now we were thinking harder and we got angry actually I got angry and I was thinking harder and harder until someone in our group got an idea. The idea was so easy to make its the only thing we had to do and it looks like this.
the hanger with pegs is for ties and necklace it is just a simple product but when the people that make things are gonna be better than this.
the hanger with pegs is for ties and necklace it is just a simple product but when the people that make things are gonna be better than this.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Museum field trip
Museum field trip
Me and my class went to the city center museum it had nice smells and a big looking like church but its not a church it is the museum! And inside there were so many nice things. Somethings are not real some things are so realistic and there was a lot of sparkle sparkle and a skeleton of a Mao and other cool stuff.
And my tour has began. My hub has been split into our own classes and we went to different areas and its all about the Maori. I learnt how to make there tools and seen how they have evolve and getting smarter after 300 years. There is so much about them. Then we went to a room and there were some tools and we get to use them. There is drawing,fire lighting,and a drill made from Maori but it doesn't have power its is hand power,sharpening stones, carving with wood and last of all the most dangerous one is making a whaka it is a dangerous one you have an axe and its top is stronger then steel it can chop wood you have to be careful it could hit your legs.

After that we went to the garden it was nice and we eat some lunch after that we went in to the big tree it was great fun! but I felled a couple times and I have scratches until now! It was a pain. We went back in our groups from first we saw a lot of amazing stuff like bones of dinosaurs and snow stuff it was so great not as great as the creepy lady in the lonely ally I freaked out! so hard in side me not out side and what is even freaky is the voice.
There is a section that has all the birds in NZ big birds small birds and the best bird I like is the kiwi and my favorite predator bird is the NZ falcon it is a predator there was so much to see. The birds section doesn't just show the birds it shows the habitats of the birds the. NZ falcons live in high mountains and the kiwis live in the forest deep down inside.
Friday, September 6, 2019
The Journey of the Gods
Me and my class went to the year 7 and 8 hub for a show it is called The journey of the Gods.And there was a 100% great performance it was fun to watch and got a lot of beat and it is quite funny never mind about quite funny it was all hilarious everyone laughed it was funny and I like the music they made it for them self.
Their music was strong and also MAUI he was like the star of the show and the characters were MAUI,THE TUNA as the eel,THE GODS OF MAORI,CENA and that is the characters they were so mighty and MAUI has a help of a turtle a magic turtle that can shield MAUI and make MAUI invisible.
He disguised him self to go the underworld and he pretended to be a ghost or a zombie or a lost spirit of Maori. The God of lies recognized Maui and he tried to get him but Maui was too fast and kept on turning invisible and they made a deal to put there stuff down and Maui's magic turtle and they had a big chase and the God of the lies gave up and Maui tried to guess what hook was magic there were so many choices that he saw one that the God of lies did not put down and it was the right hook it is the magic hook then Maui went to the surfaces and ready to fight the Tuna. But he lost the magic turtle and he has one weapon left the magic hook. He use the magic hook and bash tuna to the ground but before he defeated Tuna he has two choices to kill Tuna or help the people and his choice is to help the people Tuna was buried and turned to a coconut tree and that is a legend of the coconut tree.
The lesson that I learned was to stop what your doing and help the people around you can do that anywhere even back home.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
This year my sport that I played for Hagley Sport, was football. My coach was Mrs Carney. My team lost 9 games and 5 wins. My favourite part of the season was when we were tied. It was my favourite time of the season because it was when we stopped losing but my mom and Dad laughed because the score was 0/0 ,quite funny but it was worth it. I love playing soccer but every year I change sport to be the best at every thing but I don't want to be good at every thing but I'll try and trying is what I will do again next year. I'm going to play hockey next year and my parents agree with me. In some games I don't use my skills that well. My skills are I use a big strong kick and try to aim at the goal. I also use my skills to dodge my opponents and I do it to the left to the right and I go backwards then I take a turn then I go for the goal.
Here is my team |
Question:What sporting skills do you have?
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Welcome Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga
Religious Studies,
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